Friday, December 16, 2005

Day 1

Today was my first day of Tang Soo Do. But not only did I have this to think about through out the day, I also had a killer final exam to worry about. So, I had a bit of nerves in the morning. They returned as I was driving to the dojang. Amazingly though, the second I walked in the door, I instantly felt comfortable. Master Miller is a wonderful and very respectful person, and the rest of the students were all very welcoming as well. I am very happy I chose Master Miller to study under.

When I entered I received my uniform and instructions to put on my belt. I was also shown the proper etiquete when entering the dojang. For those of you who don't know, when entering the dojang one salutes the flag and then bows towards the middle of the room. Saluting the flag is a sign of respect for one's country and bowing towards the center of the room allows you to pay respect to any senior members in the dojang. One must always bow to a midnight blue belt, regardless if he or she is in or out of the dojang.

The first thing Master Miller showed me was an exercise that will encorage the muslces in my claves and feet to keep my foot flexed. This will prevent me from breaking my toes. Always a good thing! 20 reps a night though! Second, we worked on the forward kick. I wasn't terrible at it. I need to stretch my hamstrings a bit more to extend my leg fully. I practiced kicking the bag. After that I worked on a basic stance. Again, the name has escaped me. I felt pretty comfortable doing it. Then we added a kick and a block to stance. So, I would walk the stance across the floor, but doing a kick and a block as well. I'm not so sure eveyone is going to understand all these details without seeing examples, but at least this gives you an idea of what I'm talking about, even if you don't understand the details. While I was doing this I realized this was very similar to some of the moves I did in tai-chi. Next, we began the regular exercise routine. Some of it was pretty tough, but I kept up with most of it. Surprisingly! I didn't realize how much tai-chi, my self-defence class, and a year at curves were going to help with Karate, but they are definately paying off. I can tell already! There were parts during the exercises where endurance was important and I seemed to have that. There were others things, like the full body crunch, which was giving me difficulties (however, I had my first personal training session at my new gym yesterday and my abs were sore from that, which may be the reason I was slower at the full body crunch). Overall I had alot of fun. I also learned one escape move for a wrist grab. I had learned several others in self-defense, but this one was new. Later I was pared with the other female of the class and she showed me how to move into attacker stance when I'm practing with someone. That one ceratinly needs some work.

But with all details aside, I felt really good about the class! I had fun and learned alot today. I didn't feel uncomfortable or that any of the moves I learned were impossible. So far I don't see the affects of the frailty myth. Oh wait, I did forget one thing. I am hesitant to shout when I go into attacker position. I'll have to get over that. A hestiancy to be loud and to announce one's pressense is most likely a holdover from the frailty myth. I did practice shouting in the car on the way home from class. I think once I'm confident that I don't sound like an idiot I'll be alright. When I played volleyball I was always the loudest caller of everyone. So, my goal for next class is to get this shouting thing down.

I plan on practicing with my boyfriend, and I should make a practice schedule for myself as well. My boyfriend has experience in Tang Soo Do. Unfortunately he hasn't been to his dojang for a while, but I think he'll like practicing with me. Either that or he'll be jealous. I'd probably be jealous if he was doing something that I couldn't for a while. Anway, all in all a very positive experience and I've unfolded one possible way that the frailty myth could still with me.


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