Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Day 2

I was pretty sore after my first class. Not horribly sore, but manageable sore. I did yoga the evening after my first class and I think that helped to stretch things out, but I was still pretty sore the next day. I also continued running, which helped to loosen things up as well. The day my legs finally were back to normal, which was yesterday, I met with my personal trainer and we worked on lower body. So, my legs were sore again, but not as bad as the first time.

On another note, I'm noticing that my mother is taking little to no interest in the fact that I've started karate. The only thing she had to say to me after my first class was how expensive it was, and that was even after I lied about the price. For instance, I walked in the door in my Do Bok (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling. Correct me if I am wrong), or my uniform, and the first thing she asks is, "how much did that cost?" Nothing else is said. My father is also silent on the matter. This is interesting. I'm not sure if it is a result of the family dynamic, lack of knowledge about the subject, or if they just think I'm crazy. Probably a little of both. I don't have any female friends that I talk to on a regular basis. If I did I would insert their comments here. My brother and his wife are coming down for christmas, so I'll be eager to hear what they think. I don't think he ever took any form of martial arts. In fact, he wasn't a very physical person as a teenager or young adult (as far as I know. Keep in mind he is 15 years older than me). Jason, however, seems to be taking it well. We practiced a little on Saturday. He does a few things slightly different, which I will have to watch out for. But all in all he seems very supportive and gives me encouragement. Anyway, I think it's important to speak about the attitudes of those around me as they do have an effect on my progress in Tang Soo Do.

In class today I learned the beginning of my first Hyung, or form, called Kee Cho Hyung Il Boo. Master Miller and another class mate said my attacker stance (the korean word is still lost to me) had improved. I was happy. I practiced a bit last night, making sure my sholders were square and my right foot was pointed to the front. Not perfect, but better. During the warmup routine, I noted some exercises that I need improvement on. The first are pushups. I can do pushups; however, the form of pushup that I do at home isolates a different muscle group than the martial arts pushup. I can do my push up just fine, but can only squeeze out four or five of the other. Really disappointing, but I just have to practice the other way. The funny thing is that most think the pushup I do is harder than the martial arts pushup. But that just goes to show that it's practice that makes one thing easier than another. The second thing I need to work on is a combination of kicks and punches. Anyways, the class went very well. I'm going to be sore against tomorrow. I can already tell. We did alot of ab and hip exercises today and I can feel the fatigue in my hips. I'm sure my body will get used to all this.

Since I've started Tang Soo Do I feel slightly different. I'm proud of myself for actually going through and taking my first Tang Soo Do class and not falling apart. There was an intimidation factor in the beginning (before the first class) and a little voice in the back of my head doubting my ability to do it or even go thorugh with the first class, but luckily the voice at the fore front is stronger and tells me that, with reason, all is achievable.


Blogger Karen Jarboe said...

Thanks for your comments and encouragement! Just to clarify though, the purpose of explicating my mother's opinion is to show how the "Frailty Myth" is present in her thought pattern (after all she's a few generations behind me) and to show how this may possibly effect my mentallity and attitude towards Tang Soo Do. I think I may have to write a bit more on this issue to clarify how I feel towards this issue. I have explicated her feelings, but have not stated my feelings in regard to her. I really do appreciate your comments! They help in clarifying my journal entries.

January 09, 2006 9:43 PM  

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