Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 8

So, I have two weeks before testing. Yeah! I'm a little nervous. Let me jot down all the things I'll have to do for my test.
  • Write one paragraph explaining what they have learned on their journey in Tang Soo Do.
  • Know basic Korean terminology
  • Count in Korean from 1 to 10
  • Display conceptual knowledge of basic techniques
  • Rules of class conduct
  • Basic Tang Soo Do etiquette
  • Front Kick: Aph Cha Kee
  • Side Kick: Yup Cha Kee
  • Form #1: Kee Cho Hyung Il Bo
  • One Step#1 and #2: Il Soo Sik
  • Self Defense moves #1 and #2
  • Same Side hand grab
  • Break one board with Aph Cha Kee
  • Pushups for one minute straight
  • Jack Knife situps for one minute straight
The only thing I'm really worried about at the moment is doing pushups for a minute straight. As I've mentioned before, my upper body strength isn't the greatest. Well, I shouldn't say that. I just haven't had much training with this style of pushup. Master Miller told me I could do them on my knees, but after 12 I'm usually sweating it. My boyfriend told me that when he had to do this for his test, he went as fast as he could through the whole thing. I think I'm going to try another approach and pace myself. In fact, I think I'm going to break my low-carb mentality the night before the test and eat some pasta to boost my initial energy level.

I also have the competition coming up soon. Master Miller showed us how to approach the judges today. We need to be confident and have the presence of a leader, speaking as a leader would speak. We spent about 10 to 15 minutes rehersing this.

The main thing I learned in class today was how to hold my arms while transitioning between parts of the Kee Cho Hyung Il Bo. This is a detail that I needed to correct within the form to prepare me for the competition and, of course, to be most effective. Other than that we mainly did review. I worked with the same male student as last time, and then I worked with the new girl. For some reason, when I was working with her, I would forget what I was doing. I think that was partially because Master Miller was watching over us while we practiced. So, I need to learn to focus even when the situation is different. I tried to take a buddhist stance today and release myself, in other words, have no self. Doing this allows me to focus more on what I'm doing and less on how others are perceiving me. If I had done this when Master Miller was standing over us, I would have been less likely to mess up.

I've also realized that I'm learning from the new girl. She asks questions that I haven't asked yet, but was curious about, and she picks up on certain things that I didn't pick up on. Also, I get to hear Master Miller teach her what I've already learned, but in the process he explains it a bit different, which allows me to gain a new understanding. Sometimes he'll explain to her something he may have forgotten to show me. So, today helped to reinforce the idea that we can learn from everyone, and that if I'm open and willing to learn I can learn from anyone.

Not much else has changed at the gym. I'm not as sore after working the legs. I think I'll bump up to three sets for Saturday. I've actually increased my speed on the treadmill to 5.0 rather than 4.5. It's a little rough, especially on leg day, but it will get better. I've also started running a little further on my morning jogs the day of Tang Soo Do.

Well, classes begin on the 17th. I'm planning on keeping my workout regemine relatively the same. I may have to skip the morning jog on days of Tang Soo Do, because I have an earlier class. I'll probably run around the campus, or run on the treadmill just to give me some pep for the rest of the day. 2:00 is usually my low point, so I'll probably go for a jog then.

And that's it for today!


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