Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 9

Alright, college started back today. So, these posts may get significantly shorter, but I'll try to cram as much as I can into them.

This week has already been kinda screwy for the gym. I skipped yesterday because I needed to get my room straight for college. I planned on making up my missed workout today in between class and Tang Soo Do, but had to do some running around getting signitures for vaious things. I did get upper body in today, but no cardio. I'm sure things will smooth out after this week.

Hum, I realized today that it's very interesting watching the new girl. I think she's got a few touches of the frailty myth. First, her ki-ups are a little week, but she did just start doing them this class. I'll update on that. She also doesn't have much power while doing the Kee Cho Hyung Il Bo (first form). I didn't have either of these either when I began, but I do think I progressed a bit quicker. I think I have a different mentality than her. I think, in life, that she's been more focused on being a girl and being feminine. I say this because she made a comment while watching other men in the class practicing with aggressiveness. She said, "Boys will be boys." This statement implies that boys are aggressive because they are boys. Thus, I assume she believes girls are just naturally less aggressive. In any case, she has some certain gendered conceptions that have come across verbally and physically, i.e., through the restriction in her movements.

Master Miller taught me part of the next form, Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bo. Very similar to the first, but with higher blocks and one different movement (so far). He probably would have given me more, but I told him my brain was on overload from new classes. I really should have just learned the rest. I could have remembered it. I also learned the third "one step sparring" move. Both of these things are not required for my test, but I suppose he'll just teach me when he feels I'm ready to learn.

I still feel that, when working with the women in the class, I hold back, or appologize for possibly hurting them. I think I've gotten a bit better. I grabed the new girl's wrist tighter today and made her work harder to get out of my grip. But I asked her, when working on one of my hand escapes, if I was hurting her. I need to be more conscious of this! I still haven't asked the other lady if she had similar experiences with me. Oooh, but I just remember, last class, while working with a male memember, I also appologized for possibly hurting him. I know part of this is because I'm not used to having this type of physical contact with others. When I was working with the male student, I had to lightly kick him in the stomach. Occasionally I felt I hit him too hard and would appologize. I do find myself appologizing more with the women though.

Well, I'll leave off here for tonight. I have to do some homework. Won't be able to do Yoga tonight though. I think I'll be able to normally, but I'll have to consult my syllabi so I can figure out how much time I'll actually have. Good night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps as your control improves, you'll be less likely to ask about hurting others. This will take awhile, do not be discouraged.

January 18, 2006 12:59 AM  

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