Thursday, January 26, 2006

Day 12

So, I realized another relavent point of interest that I should address in regards to my thesis. It's a very simple point, but should be articulated as others may not have realized this point. Participating, as a female, in Tang Soo Do, or any predominately male physical arena (not a literal arena) can do two things to the Frailty Myth. It can reinforce it or it can erase it. First, it exposes it. When a female enters and has little to no understanding of how her body works, then she is exposing the frailty myth. This is quite evident, as even boys/men who are not talented at physical activities, still end up having had more physical experiences then the average female (can't quote where I got this info from though). My point is that there is clear difference between the average female and the average male. When a female enters this type of situation, she exposes this difference, and perhaps reinforces the frailty myth for the rest of the class. However, with more and more women breaking this myth and proving that they can supersede it, which in turn can change the class's view of the physical potential of women. And if a woman begins under the frailty myth and then overcomes it and succeeds, that's probably even more impactful to the others observing her progress. In other words, breaking the frailty myth doesn't just include women reaching their physical potential, but it also includes men and women observing this phenomenon.

Today would have been the day I was supposed to test. There was one other dude who was supposed to test, but he hadn't been to the last two or three classes, so master Miller wouldn't let him test. Anyway, I learned two new things today. #4 of the one steps and #3 of the hand escapes. We worked on punching. Apparently we were all doing our punches wrong. We weren't bring our resting fist(?) up to our faces when we punched with the other hand, leaving our face open to the opponent. Next class I will learn the rest of the Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bo and Roundhouse kick.

Hum, had to miss the gym yesterday. I had a meeting with one of my professors. I've been running in my neighboorhood every morning though. I'm still sore from last T.S.D class, probably from the duck walk. Anyway, my arms are definately showing their definition now. Happy to see that. Can't really tell if my legs are. Stomach will certainl be the last thing the looks like it's toned. Not that these are my goals, but just noticing the changing shape of my body. I certainly feel more fit though!

Well, it's 10:00. Better leave it here. Gotta get up early.



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