Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day 27

Hum, well I think I'm both physically and mentally back on track this week. I'd really been in a funk lately. I generally kinda feel off at this time of year for some reason, but I think a large part of it was not getting into grad school. I was pretty bummed! The result was a drop in my self confidence. I no longer felt like I was worthy of being a graduate student of philosophy (although I would have re-applied again anways. I know I go through these phases and can see through to the other side). This feeling carried over to T.S.D class. But Sunday evening I had an epiphany and re-prioritized. I realized that I really wanted to be doing a different type of philosophy and that the schools that I had applied to weren't geared towards that type of philosophy. So, this made me realize that it was probably a good thing I wasn't accepted, so that I'd go to the right school with the right focus. Anyway, my life kinda came together that night and refocused me. I feel so much better and as a result I was right on it in class tonight. My back kick came along really well. And I'd like to thank Shawna for her tip for the back kick because it really helped me in class today!! Crazy how that works. Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo looks so much better. Master Miller agreeded and now I'm learning Pyung Ahn Cho Dan. Yeah! I just generally felt more confident today. Rock On!

Anway, we did alot of stretching, quad work, and we did some punches. So, more physical conditioning than anything else.

Last week I kinda gave myself a break on the workout routine. I only ran for two days out of the five and I only worked out one day out of the three/four. I was spring break after all! But it feels good to be back on track! I do think a break every now and again is a good thing. It makes you appreciate what the workout does for you and breaks from the monotonous routine that workouts can get into. But I'm always eager to get back to my routine after a few days off. Otherwise I get sluggish and that's no fun!

Hum, can't think of much else to say at the moment. I did have a connection to make about to the frailty myth, but I'll have to add that next time. I'm running out of time. Good night.


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