Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Day 23

Well, I had a bit of a celebratory weekend. After the competition me and my boyfriend went out for dinner and drinks. I was so happy to unwind after several weeks of schoolwork without a break that I bought some more liquor to celebrate at home. Now, I'm used to drinking wine and not liquor. Needless to say, I drank more than I should have. I didn't feel bad that night (although I did black out a few times), but certainly paid for it in the morning. I spent a good 5 hours or more puking. Fun stuff. So, my point is that I didn't run on Monday or go to the gym. I will also have to forfeit my morning run on Friday as I have an early meeting with a professor at the college, but I plan to make up the run Saturday, as well as my missed gym day. So, I won't be missing too much. And I'll stay away from liquor for a while (although it wasn't the liquor I puked up, which was interesting).

In class today, we mainly worked on forms. Master Miller and some of the other class mates were helping me with my new form, Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo. I'm still having a little difficulty, but I now have more time to practice and don't have to worry about preparing for a competition, so I should be more focused! I already feel more focused. Pauline wasn't there today, she also didn't come to the competition because she's been sick. I think everyone at the dojang got the same bout of sickness. Interesting. Other than forms, we really didnt' do much else. We did one kicking drill. Anway, I really need to practice this form. It's just not coming along as smoothly as the others did. But I think with a little practice I should be ok.

Well, dont' have much more to add. I'll be back Thursday though!


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