Thursday, March 23, 2006

Day 28

Only one week until my orange belt test. My back kick is looking a lot better. My power is improving and my balance for the most part. All forms required for the test look good. Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo could probably use a little more work, but it should be sufficient. I've pretty much got all of my one steps, self defense moves, and hand grabs down. The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is sparring and only because we haven't done much of it. Sparring class is on Wednesdays and I work Wednesdays, so I don't get much practice in. I'm assuming he'll just make me kick and move my opponent around, as this is what we've practiced, but I'm really not sure. We've never discussed this. Tonight we did work on some sparring drills. It was the first night I got to use my new sparring equipment. I ruined my mouth piece this morning, so I'll have to buy a few more. We just practiced kicking our opponent and getting two punches in after we kicked. We also did alot of physical conditioning this evening. Fun stuff!

Well, I've added a two credit independent study to my school schedule to complete my minor. So, I'm back to having very little time. What I'll have to do is cut back my exercise routine a bit. Instead of going to the gym three to four times a week, I'll try to go at least twice a week. And I may have to cut Yoga, not that I've really gotten the chance to do that anway. But this is less of a pain than the other class I was taking. I'll still run in the evenings and Tang Soo Do will help to maintain my fitness level until I graduate.

And finally, I realized something last weekend that I think is pretty relevant to this blog. I realized that fighting is on Jason's mind alot more than it is on my mind, which got me to thinking about how fighting is tied up with masculinity and, thus, with masculine identity, which in turn is embodied and leads to a body that's more attuned to fighting. In other words, because Jason thinks about fighting, he is more likely to actively partake in fighting (or in training), or playfully pretend to fight (i.e., with me or by shadowboxing). He would also be more mentally prepared when actually fighting, as he's probably thought through many possible ways of defending himself. Just wanted to jot that down. I could do a whole lot more explaining, but I won't at the moment. I'll save it for a more subtantial piece of my thesis.

And that's it for this evening!


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