Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 29

Well, my phone line was cut by the landscapers (the stupid phone company cut down our trees, so we had to landscape the yard) so I wasn't able to write after this class.

Not too much happend. This was my last class before my test. Susan worked us pretty hard as far as conditioning goes, but primarily worked on things we needed for our test. My back kick was getting a little better. Master Miller told me to keep my back leg bent, which helped alot. Apparently I was standing up after I turned around, which was causing me to loose my balance a bit. I really can't remember much after that. Oh, I found out I wouldn't be doing sparring for my test as sparring classes are on Wednesday and I work on Wednesdays, so I haven't had much training in that area.

That's pretty much it. My gym schedule has been kinda screwy since I've added an extra two credits to my schedule. I also had a meeting this week on Wednesday with one of my professors, which caused me to have to skip a day. I've been running everyday though.


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