Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 30

Today was my orangebelt test and I am now officially an orange belt! However, this test wasn't as exciting. I think I had my own standards in my head and I don't think I measured up to them. I was happy with my performance on termenology and the pushups and sits, but I was disappointed with my kicking demonstration. And really this all amounts to me not focusing on this in my practice. For some reason I didn't think Master Miller would make me do back kick for the demonstration, but he did and in combination with roundhouse kick, right after all the pushups and situps. Anway, I did pretty good on pushups and situps. The other kid (he was 12, but in the adult class) did 32 pushups, I did 31 and I did 52 jack knifes, and he did 41. I'll have to admit I don't go as low on my pushups, but I at least bent my elbows 31 times (I started off ok, but really couldn't get low towards the end). Then right after kicks, I had to do all my forms: Kee Cho Hyung Il Bo, Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bo, and Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo. So, I was quite winded after all that. Next we did one steps, hand escapes, and self-defense. Last, but not least, we broke the boards. Got my side kick on first try. Roundhouse on second try, and the dreaded back kick on the third. And this time I got to take the boards home!! Broke them all in the same spot.

On the way home I made a frailty myth connection. Before I started working out, back when I smoked and sat on my ass, I was probably the physical equivalent of an athletic 10 year old boy. But now that I've been working out for two years, I think I'm at the level of an athletic 12 year old boy. I say this because me and the other kid from my class seemed to be at the same fitness level (he had better pushup form, but I did more jack knifes, so it balances out). This makes some sense, I stopped being physically active when I was 13, and I wasn't terribly active at the time either. I was probably the physical equivalent of an 11 or 12 year old boy at that point. It's currently been 10 years since then, and I've been working out for 2. So, take into consideration degeneration of muscle and skill, that puts me closer to a 10 year old, then add two years for the time I've been working out, and the equivalent is of a 12 year old boy. If I'd continued to be as physically active or more physically active, then I might be the equivalent of a 23 year old man. Hum, something to think about! I think my experience is making me even more of a believe in the stupid frailty myth!

Well, I think I'll leave it here. I'll probably only be doing this blog for another month, or less. Just so you know!

Good night!


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