Thursday, February 09, 2006

Day 16

Well, today was the last class before my first competition. We worked alot on our forms. I think I've said this, but I'm doing Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bo, which is my second form, instead of Kee Cho Hyung Il Bo (my first form). So, we all practiced approaching the judges and then performing. We were also scored afterwards. And somehow or another I won both times! Master Miller told me that of everyone in the class, my report to the judges was the best of the class and that my form was crisp, had good speed, and my stances were low. Then we practiced what would happen if there was a tie. In this case, the two competitors perform their Hyungs side by side. Yeap, but this time I bombed it. I started doing my first form and then when I realized what I was doing, I smiled at the judge, and yeah, it was over at that point. He knew I'd screwed up. Oh well. I was distracted by having to do it with the other person there. I was also not expecting to perform my Hyung again. But it was good practice for the competition.

Master Miller also worked with me on my back kick. I'm still finding this a bit difficult. Not terribly. He told me I was doing better this class. Anyway, I had to try and break the false boards. I'm not exactly sure what their called, but they are plastic boards, meant to resemble a wooden board. There's an orange one and a blue one. The orange one is easier than the blue on. I believe the blue is the equivalent to breaking a real board. Anyway, I broke the orange one on the 4th try and I couldn't break the blue one. I was disappointed, but he said a yellowbelt has yet to break the blue board using that kick. I question this though. I will have to break a board using this kick, so I should be able to break the blue bard. Anyway, I just learned the kick so I shouldn't get upset about it. I think alot of it depends on the objects in the back ground. Since I have to spin to do the kick, if the objects in the background are in a different place (i.e., I'm in a different position than usual), I end up kicking too soon, or spinning too far around. So, I need to be in the same position each time, until I get used to the kick. But it's a fun kick! I just need some more practice. Roundhouse kick seems to be coming along well. I practiced it a bit today and I seem to be doing alot better. Hopefully that will continue!

Another confidence boosting thing happend today too, besides winning the mini-competition thing. While I was putting my shoes on Master Miller asked me if I was still enjoing Tang Soo Do, and of course I said yes.Then he told me that I was doing very well and was actually progessing faster than most students. This meant alot to me. Not that I should need to have Master Miller's conformation on such things, but it made me realize that he realzied that I was doing well. I could already tell the movements came a bit easier to me than to the new girl, but I didn't know who was closer to the norm. Strange thing that I 'm concerned with such things, but I suppose it's good to know that I'm doing well. I have to promise myself that it won't go to my head though. I had to do this with guitar too. I told myself the day that I thought I was good would be the day I stopped playing the guitar. So, the same applies here. I just need to focus on myself. So, I have confirmation. I will now move on!

Well, that appears to be it. When I get home this weekend I will update my blog as to how the competition went. Yikes and I have to skip yoga again tonight. I skipped it once last week too. Not good. My body is good at letting me know its unhappy with my decision, but I have to catch up on some homework. I'm so flipping buisy these days. But I love college, so its not such a big deal. Well, good night!


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