Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Day 19

Let's see.... gym schedule is back on track. Last week I ended up missing Monday, but did get three days in. I increased my weight on a few upper and lower body exercies. I noticed that, even though I took a few days break, I was actually stronger when I came back. Guess my muscles needed a bit of a rest. It feels good to be back though! My running routine hasn't changed much. I'm still running about a mile and half each morning. No improvements really. Maybe I should time myself and try to improve my speed by a minute a day for a little while. Sounds like a plan. Now I just need a stop watch.

Next class, as I've mentioned, the new girl and the other female are testing. I'm excited. I should have alot to write about Thursday.

Hum, today in class we worked on one-step sparring and self-defense. We also did an exercise for the quads and obliques, and we worked on kicks. I also learned another part of Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo.

I feel like I'm not progressing as fast as I was at the beginning. I'm still having a little trouble with Dui Cha Kee. Sometimes I think I just get dizzy and can't find the target. Also, if I move the target to a different location, or use another target, I become disoriented. I think it's because I'm gaging how far I need to turn upon stationary things surrounding me and the target. The funny thing is that this kick is a whole lot better when I'm actully sparring. I'm not entirely sure why. It's probably because I'm less hesitant when I'm sparring than when I'm practicing. Also, it might be because I'm not practicing the same kick over and over again, which I think does make me a little dizzy. Where as when I'm sparring, I have to do several different things and don't get as dizzy. But I do feel a little more comfortable. Just gotta keep working. I was also struggling a little with the first couple movements of Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo. I kept forgetting what I had to do, and my first turn is a bit awkward. But for some reason, when Master Miller showed me the next movement, it all made sense and it's seems to be coming together. So, I'm not progressing as fast as I was, but the movements and kicks are harder. Also, I haven't had much time to practice since school started. I'm pretty much bombarded with homework everyday of the week, so it's difficult to find time to find my workout/Tang Soo Do practice and school work. It's also to the point where I see my boyfriend very little. I've only seen him once this months. Anway, I guess that explains why I'm not progresisng as fast, but I am progressing!

Well, think I'm going to have to leave it here tonight! Good Night! Oh, and I actuall get to do Yoga tonight!! Yeah!
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