Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 18

Yeap, class went well today. Did some sparring. I worked on a combination: Roundhouse Kick (Dulyeu Cha Kee), Back Kick (Dui Cha Kee), and Front Kick (Yup Cha Kee). It was a bit awkward for a second, but once he revealed the fault in my foot work, I did fine. The midnight blue belt that I was attacking commented on the power of my kicks. I'm still just attacking. I don't have gear yet, but hope to get some soon. When I do have gear, then I'll start getting hit, which will be another thing entirely. I'm sure. What's interesting though, is that my back kick is so much better when I'm sparring than when I'm just practicing. Anway, I also learned more of Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo, or my third form. Other than that we didn't do much else.

Hum, so I've asked both the new girl and the other female student if they will take a survey/questionare for my thesis and both have agreed. I just need to come up with one. Also, after class today, one of the male students was asking about my thesis and thought the frailty myth sounded like some sort of conspiriacy. I'm not exactly sure as to what he was referring to when he said conspiracy. On the one hand, he could have been thinking that it was a conspiracy against men, but on the other hand it could be considered to be a conspiracy against women. Anyway, he seemed a little hesitant about that, but ultimately agreed with the women adapting frail philosophies and embodying frailness. I don't think he was too clear, and he just ultimately seemed defensive, but I really didn't get a chance to defend the argument. Anyway, my point in writing about his opinion was to reflect one of the male's attitudes toward my thesis.

Other than that, I don't have any further insights to add. Well, maybe just that the new girl is getting slightly better at her forms, but is struggling somewhat with body mechanics. She still seems hesitant and there's little power behind her movements. Her kiups are still weak and she forgets to do them with her one steps. She's also having some problems with distance on her onesteps. She's really not doing poorly. She practices and wants to do it, but she seems afraid to put power into it. Anway, that's it for tonight. Wish I had something more intersting to write about. And I've had to miss Yoga again. I stayed after class too long.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Day 17

Unfortunately the competition on Feb. 11, 2006 was cancelled due to snow, but it will be resechudled for March 4, 2006. So, keep reading if you're interested.

So, as of today I know all the kicks I need for my orange belt test (Dui Cha Kee and Dulyeu Cha Kee), I know one steps #3 and 4 and hand graps #1, 2, and 3, and I've started the third form Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo, and have completed Kee Cho Hyung Ee Bo. All I need is the rest of Kee Cho Hyung Sam Bo and opposite side self defence and I have all the piece for the test. I haven't had too much time to practice though. I really wish I had more time! But school is kicking my butt. I try to utilize as much time as possible before class going over things I'm having the most difficulty with, but it's not enough.

My exercise schedule was thrown off last week. I had to miss monday because of an appointment to get my measurments taken, and I didn't go to the gym on Friday because I had increased the weights and didn't want to be sore for the competition (I could've gone to the gym and decreased the weights just to get something in, but I didn't think of that then. Sitting at the coffee shop sounded more appealing to me that afternoon. Stupid me!). And then I didn't go saturday because I was at my boyfriends house, which is an hour away from my gym. We were supposed to leave from there to go to the competition since he's closer. Then Monday I was really psyched about the gym, but forgot my shoes. So, I've really had a rough workout routine. So, I'm going Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I'm going to have to drag my boyfriend with me the Friday session and he didn't sound too thrilled. I've been running in the mornings though. I checked the millage the other day and I run about a mile and a half every morning. I really didn't think I was running that far, but now I know.

Anyway, yeah, so not much to write on in terms of the frailty myth and Tang Soo Do today. The new girl is going to take her yellowbelt test in two weeks. I'm excited to watch her test. Well, I will leave it here. I'm pretty tired. I've been a school all day, as I had to attend a lecture after Tang Soo Do. So, that's why I'm on here late and that's why I won't be doing Yoga :( I miss Yoga!! Wish I had more time!!
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